Prejudential: Black America and the Presidents
with Margaret Kimberley
Presented by Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association and Steerforth Press
with Margaret Kimberley
Presented by Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association and Steerforth Press
Join fellow PNBA members for a presentation and conversation with Margaret Kimberley, a New York-based writer and activist for peace and justice issues and author of Prejudential (Truth to Power/Steerforth Press, Feb. 2020, 9781586422486).
“This book is an effort to shed light on the truth. . . . To the extent that our leaders embody aspects of who we are as a people, studying how each president has participated in our nation’s complicated and often shameful treatment of black people is as good a place as any to start.”
— Margaret Kimberley from the preface
"Margaret Kimberley gives us an intellectual gem of prophetic fire about all the U.S. presidents and their deep roots in the vicious legacy of white supremacy and predatory capitalism. Such truths seem more than most Americans can bear, though we ignore her words at our own peril!"
— Cornel West, author of Race Matters
Friday, June 12, 3:00 pm PDT
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