Fall Show Attendee Registration
Company Name & Address: List the name of your store, company or library and mailing address. Authors may use the name of their publisher but should provide their own mailing address. Media should list the name of their publication or station. The company name will appear on your badge.
Badge Type: Check the appropriate affiliation. If, for instance, everyone listed will be representing your bookstore, check the designation Book Retailer. If any of the badges for people listed on this form are different than the other(s), add the appropriate affiliation next to each name.
This show is not open to the public. Attendees should be prepared to show proof of their book industry affiliation.
BINC Badge: After each name, check those who will pick up any books at the show’s “signings.” All attendees who wish to collect signed copies are now required to purchase a “BINC Badge” before getting in line.
What is BINC: The Book Industry Charitable (Binc) Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to assisting booksellers in need since 1996. The Binc Foundation grew out of a wish of bookstore employees to establish a fund to help their colleagues experiencing an unexpected financial crisis. Binc is dedicated to assisting bookstore employees across the United States in their greatest time of need.
100% of the money PNBA collects via the sale of "BINC Badges" is donated to BINC, after the show.
Extra Badge Names: If more than four people from a PNBA Member bookstore or library will need badges, list their names here. If any of these people will be wanting BINC badges, they can purchase them at Registration at the show.
Total Extra Badges: Extra show badges are $10 each. Enter the total number of extra badges here.
Non-Member Badge: Book industry professionals who are not members of PNBA may purchase a badge to attend the show. As the show is not open to the general public, you will be required to prove your book industry affiliation to our satisfaction. Purchase of a non-member show badge allows one person to attend the show. Staff of pre-registered PNBA member stores, exhibitors, featured authors and media do not have to pay a badge fee.
Membership: If you are not a current member of PNBA and wish to join, now is the time! Dues are based on a calendar year and we do not pro-rate dues. Membership is by mailing address. Stores or companies with multiple sites must send an application for each address seeking membership. Membership includes up to four show badges and all other member benefits for the calendar year. Membership is not required to attend the show; non-members: see above.
Ticketed Meal Events: The events listed require separate tickets in order to attend. A detailed description of the meal options can be found on our main Tradeshow page. The Nightcapper and Reps Behind the Desk are open to anyone with a badge and do not require a ticket.
If you need to pay by check rather than credit card contact Larry for a different registration form.
The Legal Stuff: Submission of the form constitutes your acceptance of your responsibility to adhere to all PNBA guidelines, including specifically the assurance that no one from your company will re-sell any books nor ARCs obtained at the show, neither on-line nor in a retail environment.
Pacific Northwest Booksellers • 520 West 13th Ave. • Eugene, OR 97401 • 541-683-4363 • [email protected]