We couldn’t do it without stores reporting sales each week.
Help ABA tell publishers, the media and consumers the story about the vitality of indie bookstores. Report your sales each week and contribute to the influence of our channel and improvements to bookseller/publisher relations. Why else report weekly? To keep the Indie Bestseller Lists filled with the wonderful discoveries found in your store and to guarantee your receipt of a more robust monthly White Box mailing of publisher-sponsored ARC’s and galleys. 1. The Bestseller Reporting area is now open for stores reporting by file upload and manual entry until 3:00 am ET on Tuesday, November 24—for the seven-day sales period of Sunday, November 15, through Saturday, November 21. 2. If you have trouble logging in to the Bestseller Reporting area please e-mail [email protected] for assistance. 3. BookScan reporters: Please transmit reports to BookScan from your POS before 5:00 pm ET on Monday, November 23. Reports transmitted after then are not included in the compiling of the Indie Bestseller List for the week. Thank you! For any questions about the Indie Bestseller Lists email Pete Reynolds, [email protected]. |