Authors: Working With Indie Bookstore
Monday, September 30 2:00 - 2:45 pm Pendleton Room
You've written a book! Now what? It's time to get it on shelves and in readers' hands. Working with your local bookstore is a great way to accomplish these goals, but it can be hard to sift through all of the information out there to get to the really good advice. Join our panel of marketing and bookseller professionals to learn how, when, and why to approach a bookstore, and what you need for a successful partnership.
Reader Trends
Monday September 30 2:45 - 3:30 pm Pendleton Room
Reader trends can be wild and a little unpredictable, and often bemusing. Romantasy? Spredges? Horror?? Join us at any time from 3-4pm to discuss and add your observations to our star chart, and see what the most popular trends in the Pacific Northwest are when it’s complete! This is a drop in style discussion, please feel free to stay as long or as little as you like.